When Cats Were Fighting On The Roof

At the beginning, I didn't know what to expect of all this experience. I knew what my role was, and I did my best to receive the group. I contacted all the people necessary to prepare their arrival and Patty Henrichs, a volunteer in Mission in Iquique, took care of the comunications all the time until their arrival on January 4th. Actually, Patty was the one who was alwys attentive to their requierements, since from time to time I missed some info coming from Bolivia and I couldn't reply as fast as I should. Thank to the works of our Lord, Patty Henrichs was in Iquique, just in the time we needed her, and I dare say that none of this would have happened if she wouldn't have been there.
Harriet tagged along officially as member of the Youth Board of the North District. We met huge servants of God, young men and women who serve God unconditionally, with love, and more than love real sanctity and passion for Christ.
They spent two days in Iquique. They went on a boat trip. They hadn't been to the ocean before, so it was a really cool experience for them. That they, a friday, I went to hand in the form in order to apply for the VISA at the US Embassy.
Next day, Saturday 6th, we left to Antofagasta. There the pastor gave us a warm welcome. We painted the Second Church "Cristo Rey", we went door by door evangelizing, and we preached on the streets. I had gone visiting people at their homes in order to tell them about the love of God sevral times before, but never had lived anything like what we experienced that evening. We divided in groups to go door by door. My group was composed by three Bolivian girls and me. A lady openned her door and asked us to come in. She asked us for prayers so we prayed, then she told us her father was sick, so we prayed for his father. He has cancer, and a very die hard and serious infection in his lungs. We layed our hands on him. We prayed. And we believe God worked.
Then we went next door. We were told we wouldn't be able to talk to the woman who lived there, because her knees hurt really bad, and she wouldn't open the door. In that moment we thought; 'Well, God sent us here, we are just one knock to meet this woman. So, why not?' We knocked and to our amazement, a girl opened the door. We introduced ourselves and told her we eanted to visit the old lady who lived there. The girl smiled at us and invited us to come in. She shouted 'Grandma, there are some visitors sent by God, who've come to see you'. I was at lost for words. Then we met Mercedes. We had a nice conversation and even had soft drinks! We prayed for her health and family.
In Antofagasta we had the opportunity of presenting a programme at the food court of a huge mall-supermarket. People were interested in the drama the guys performed, about the creation, fall and sin of man and redemption.
The title of this post is due to cats who were fighting at three in the morning one night. I woke up and started writing notes on my trip and the blessings of God.
Then we went to Calama, were pastor Jesus Aranda received us with the love of God, as always. We had a ball at the local missionary church. We enjoyed a wonderful service were feet danced in worship.
There we knew about news in Cochambamba, the local authorities were standing up to the "cocaleros" who wanted to overthrown Manfred, the governor. Roads were taken over, they were running out of money and we still had to make it to Iquique. We had an awesome moment of prayer and then peace from our Lord came unto us. We were held and supported by the word of God; "Now, therefore, you are no longer strangers and foreigners, but members of the same community with all other saints, and you are part of God's family" and the words of Psalms 121 "The LORD shall preserve thy going out and thy coming in from this time forth, and even for evermore."
I can't thank enough to the Lord for all his blessings. This trip meant a lot to me. It marks a new beginning and a new challenge for me. My best friend, my God and Savior is calling my bluff. It is time to live as worthy of my calling...
Labels: Summer 2007
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