"...Tu luz brillará como el alba" / "...Thy darkness be as the noon day:"

Entonces invocarás, y te oirá Jehová; clamarás, y dirá él: Heme aquí. Si quitares de en medio de ti el yugo, el dedo amenazador, y el hablar vanidad;
y si dieres tu pan al hambriento, y saciares al alma afligida, en las tinieblas nacerá tu luz, y tu oscuridad será como el mediodía." Isaias 58
22 Jóvenes de Iquique, Arica y Alto Hospicio nos pudimos reunir desde el sábado 13 al lunes 15 de Octubre, primero para la 68ª Convención de Jóvenes del Distrito Norte, y luego para una jornada de reflexión en Dios. Esperamos que esta experiencia les haya servido para un acercamiento impotante y definitivo a Nuestro Señor Jesus. Gracias a Catherine, a Memo, a Christian y la hermana Denise Soto, pudimos preparar durante más de un mes, un Retiro Xtremo lleno de hermosos regalos de parte de Dios.
Lo que viene... del 3 al 10 de Noviembre, nos preparamos para visitar Arica, con un grupo procedente de Alabama. Claudia, Rocio, Sandra y Yo, estaremos ayudando en la misión que trae a nuestros hermanos de Estados Unidos a tierras Ariqueñas. Todo esto bajo la dirección de JohnElmore y la bendición de Nuestro Padre Celestial!
Será una semana fuera de la universidad, de la que tendremos que recuperarnos al volver. Pero cada vez que he hecho esto, Dios es siempre fiel para ayudarme y enganchar de nuevo en clases.
Aprovecharé de visitar a Ximena y los Renegados del Grupo Juan Wesley.
Ahora los dejo con un video que nos invita a reflexionar en Su amor.
Hasta pronto, Dios les bendice!
Then shalt thou call, and the LORD shall answer; thou shalt cry, and he shall say, Here I am. If thou take away from the midst of thee the yoke, the putting forth of the finger, and speaking vanity;
And if thou draw out thy soul to the hungry, and satisfy the afflicted soul; then shall thy light rise in obscurity, and thy darkness be as the noon day:" Isaiah 58:8-10
Hi. From October 13th through 15th I was in the Annual Youth District Conference. We were 22 young men and women from North District. 3 Lifes turned to Christ and 16 people confirmed their faith in Him. It was such a blessing those days. Pachica is a little town located 2 hours to the East of Iquique. It's the middle of nowhere. The driest place on Earth, and yet one of the places where you can hear God whisper in your ear.
I thank the Board of the Youth District for all of their work, we were planning this event for more than a month. It was beautiful. We meditated in God's love and all the different forms it takes in our lives.
And what now? My classmates and I have been invited to form part of a Missionary Workteam in Arica, from November 3rd through 10th. Sandra, Rocio, Claudia and I will have the honor of taking part in God's work in Arica. It's so exciting!
This means leaving college aside for a week. Putting off exams and assignments, but every time I have donde this before, God has demostrated to be faithful. So I know I wil be OK.
I am also planning to visit the Arica Methodist Youth Group, called John Wesley.
May God be with us all, in this new endeavour.
God bless You! God bless us all!
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